Monday, February 23, 2009

Lesson Plan

Curriculum Standard
Mississippi Social Studies Framework
1. Develop an understanding of community/local government in relationship to the expanding horizon theme. (C,H,G,E)
g. Recognize varieties of family life and cultures

Big Idea
Cultural practices or traditions change over time.

1. Review culture with students.
2. Discuss different cultural groups of the past and present as a whole group with students.
3. Guide discussion towards Native Americans.
4. Read excerpts from the text Pow-Wow.
5. Define Pow-Wow to students.
6. List the custom features that traditional Pow-Wows include onto the whiteboard.
7. Discuss features or characteristics of a Pow-Wow with the whole group.
8. Ask students about traditional ceremonies that they may practice and describe how they celebrate them.
9. Through class discussion have students compare and contrast similarities and differences between students traditional ceremonies vs. Pow-Wow with a T-Chart.
10. Have students to divide into cooperative groups

1. Complete K-W-L chart with students
2. Have students complete Jigsaw in cooperative groups
Group 1- Brief History of Pow-Wow’s
Group 2- Men’s role
Group 3- Women’s role
Group 4- Children’s role
3. Monitor student progress as they complete assignments

1. Students conduct a mini Pow-Wow in cooperative groups.

In order to assess the students learning I will use a checklist looking for three things each Pow-Wow should include. Example: Dance, Music, Traditional Clothing, Food. etc. During the Pow-Wow the students must include examples(paper) of these things and tell why they should be incorporated in a traditional Pow-Wow.

1 comment:

  1. Letezia,
    I really like your lesson plan. It is rich and full with so many options of activities and lessons. I like the idea of introducing pow wow's to the students as ceremonial, and having them think of something that is ceremonial to their family. I do think that there should be a great deal of emphasis placed on the meaning and tradition and soul that Native Americans put into their pow wow's. Even when they are a celebration, there is so much history behind the ceremonial things they do. These things would be so great for a teacher to be serious and passionate about when she is introducing it and teaching it to his/her class.
